Pan-Africanism from Below

Zachariah Mampilly

The Cameroonian political theorist Achille Mbembe describes a “politics of separation” that fuels an irrational and counterproductive fear of migrants. In this frame of mind, the only solution to the woes of the wealthy world lies in further securing borders. It’s a fortress mindset, but one that finds support across the political spectrum, and has been exported around the globe. In Africa, the legacy of colonial violence plays out in...

A Failure of Imagination | On Borders and the Nation-State

Zachariah Mampilly

In 1990, there were fifteen international border walls, according to the political geographer Reece Jones. Today, that figure has more than quintupled — and it doesn’t account for the vast surveillance apparatuses that track and criminalize migration even in the absence of brick-and-mortar (and chain-link, and steel) barriers. By 2025, the global border-security market is expected to generate more than $65 billion in revenue.  These structures and systems haven’t stopped...