Image by John Kazior
Image by John Kazior
we eke the temp we feed the temp we peel
ethyl & methyl & thyml & phytyl & heptyl & hexyl
we eke the temp we heeze the ppm we bp
we exx mc we bhp ltd
elegy the elk elegy the ewe the teetee the bee
elegy the leek elegy the beet the tempeh the jelly
elegy the fyke empty
elegy the eel the geelbek elegy the jeg elegy the gedd
we bleb we melt
elegy the elm the kex elegy the lebbek the yew
we feed the beef we teeth the beef
we eye the ph help the ppm we fly
bye glebe & kelly bye khet & keld
bye pebbly jheel bye eddy
bye myth
bye lethe
bye bye
Charles Rybak lives in Wisconsin and is currently the Dean of Art, Humanities, and Social Sciences, as well as a Professor of English, at the University of Wisconsin — Green Bay. He is the author of two chapbooks and two full-length collections of poetry. His most recent full-length collection, /war, was published by Main Street Rag.